RDS IAM Authentication

This project demostrates how to setup IAM authentication into a PSQL, MYSQL, and MariaDB RDS instance to increase your security posture inside AWS. For a deeper dive checkout the AWS Support Docs here.

This project was brought about because I recently had to complete this very project where I work. In looking around on the internet to see how others had done this, I was not having much luck. I was able to piece together what should be done but that was from looking through a lot of AWS docs and half written tutorials on the subject. Here I have put together the steps for all 3 RDS types that accept IAM authentication. Feel free to fork and rework this code to fit your needs. This is a very basic use case and should not represent something you would use in your production environment without adding security measures. For simplicity and ease of understanding, I have made this fairly insecure on purpose. There are a few notes in the code that will point out things you should change to make this more secure.

Go here for the code and more information in the README.

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